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Why do I like developing apps? My story

I started making apps as a joke, I study computer science and during my free time I enjoy creating and inventing new worlds. Beautiful worlds where you can do everything, I created a world where a penguin runs away from a shark to survive, a world where an animal sound is played and you have to be able to guess it, a fun app where you choose the best answer between 2 difficult or where to hear the worst farts ever made, and also other useful apps to turn on a flashlight or save browser links. I did just that, what other job allows you to do this?

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Watch Review

I love it. This game is so much fun I rate it five stars. I think everyone should download this game. Oh and the most fun thing you can creat your own questions. I love this game I always want to play it. I think who is about to download do not think how it is going to be like just download it after reading my comment trust me

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It’s really fun to use you can prank people who try to blame someone else for farting. Compared to other applications of this genre, this app offers a very large catalog of farts. Surely among all those available you can find the one that makes you laugh the most

100+ Fart Sounds

Wow, it' s amazing. I was impressed to find out how quickly billionaires manage to earn my hard-earned paycheck in a year. I did not expect such a result

You vs Billionaire